We’re all busy, which means sometimes meals become a quick scarf and go. From soccer practice, term papers to overtime at the office, local home cooked meals seem to be at the bottom of the list.
Today is Food Day. A day to take some time and think about the food that you put into your body day in and day out. Is it homemade and locally grown or microwaved and imported?
The goal of Food Day is to push for healthy, affordable food produced in a sustainable, humane way. We’re not the preachy type we promise, we just want to share this awesome day with you and encourage you to make a home cooked family meal together! So take the time to know where your food is coming from because it’s like moms say, “You are what you eat.”
Here are our 3 suggestions for celebrating Food Day:
- Visit a local farmers market. Here is a list of farmers markets in Bergen County.
- When you’re at the food store make an effort to see where your produce comes from. The closer to you the better.
- Cook at home with the family! Get everyone involved to mix, mash, cut or stir!
If you have any great family recipes or photos we would love to see them! Use the comments section below. Or you can always reach us on Facebook, Twitter or shoot us an email.